Monday, May 19, 2014

Bloomaker Recreated

Bloomaker Long Life Tulips
For mother's Day this year, my husband and I recreated a gift that I received on Administrative Professionals Day; Long Life Tulips from Bloomaker.
We searched and searched for these tulips and could not find any in the stores. So he and I went to work on recreating them. We picked up 2 potted tulips, 3 tall glass vases and 2 bags of river rock. Place the river rock inside each of the vases about 2-3 inches tall, you can always put more or less depending on how you want the tulips to rest. Meanwhile, take each bunch of tulip out of the dirt very carefully, rinse dirt off with cool water. Now divide the tulips among the vases, making sure that the roots are nestled around the rocks. Pour water to just under the bottom of the bulb making sure not to go over. 

There you are! Give away or enjoy!