Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pendant Lights

These Pendant Lights were born from My Craft Ideas Board through Pinterest. It came from a Whirl It Lampshade I pinned almost a year ago. 

The basic concept was repurposed for my budget and creativity.

Here is what you'll need:
  • Yarn (I used white, nothing fancy and very inexpensive)
  • Glue (LOTS of it)
  • Balloons (any size)
  • Frisbee (for the glue)
  • Battery operated tea lights
  • Fishing line
Assembly line:
Blow up as many balloons as you would like to make and put them in a pile. A box works great as the kids and dogs usually end up playing around with them before you do. Pour some glue in the Frisbee and add a touch of water to it. The Frisbee is a great plate, as the depth works for a lot of glue and materials to soak inside of it. If you don't have a Frisbee use a plastic bowl or Tupperware like container. Here is the most important part, determine how you plan on hanging the balloons to dry! (dripping balloons are not the best thing to worry about at the last minute) I took a metal hanger, took the shape of the hanger apart and hooked it between 2 dining room chairs with a newspaper below to catch the drops of watery glue. One end of the hanger went through the lose part of the balloon right before the knot after each shell was done. It hung to dry overnight.

Assembly of the Shell: 
Dip the yarn into glue mixture. Get it nice and messy wet. Wrap the yarn around the balloons as little or as much as you would like. Cut the yarn when you are done. Feed the hanging contraption through the knotted end piece of the balloon to hang dry. Overnight works best. Once dry, pop the balloon. The balloon should end up in pieces inside your shell and might even stay attached to your hanging contraption. Take the balloon out with your fingers or tweezers.

Final Assembly:
Now that the shell is done, it is time to complete the assembly the pendant light. Take a piece of fishing line and attach it to the top of the yarn shell at a length preferable to your end result. Tuck inside a battery operated tea light. Turn On and Enjoy!

Uh Oh! I put too much yarn around the balloon and I don't have enough space to put the tea light in!!
A fix for this would be to cut an opening around the top and place the light fixture inside. Just turn it on before placement. Then, Enjoy!

Repurposed for you and I, -Jait Kat

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