Sunday, August 2, 2015

Hiccups in Life

This past week we took my daughter to have an ache in her knee looked at by an orthopedic group here in Lake Mary, Florida. After going into the doctors office they sent for an x-ray right away, standard procedure for this office. Upon return, Neil Whitwam, from Jewett Orthopaedic Center begin to explain what would be an interesting journey for all of us. He returned with the results from the x-ray and begin to explain that it wasn't a simple spring but more so, a Nonossifying Fibroma. 
As he began explaining what this was my mind kind of went into panic mode, drowning out all the words and instructions he was saying. He was kind enough to repeat it, write things down for me, and reassure that everything would be OK. This is definitely something that we were not expecting. He proceeded to give us the information for two doctors at University of Florida, Shands in Gainesville and ordering an MRI.
The MRI was completed Friday, and our appointment is scheduled for this Wednesday, with Dr. Parker Gibbs, at Shands. Google was kind enough to provide some background of what a Nonossifying Fibroma is but we still have a lot of questions. 

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